Thursday, December 10, 2009

Last Words


Five days more left in Africa. Five days until I board a plane back to the United States.  Sadly this will be my last blog in Africa.  The time that I have spent here has been amazing.  It was a once in a lifetime opportunity and I’m glad that I took, but all good things must come to an end (The Rolling Stones didn’t get the memo).  I have already taken all my final exams and finished all my papers.  School here is over for me; I am a free man.  Plus, I have only two more days with my family and my bags are already packed.  I am sad to be leaving.  I realized I was sad to leave when we went on our Safari.  There is just something about giraffes running through beautiful open fields that makes you not want to leave, but the time has come and I am happy to be leaving for home.  I have spent the last week thinking about what I am going to do when I get back to the United States and home.  I have already made a mental list of all the places where I am going to eat so hopefully I can start checking off that list as soon as I land.  It is going to be strange though, because the entire time I have been here the weather has been like summer with rain showers.  However, it is obviously super cold back in the U.S.  What a change that will be, but I like winter and it would be nice to be cold rather to be dripping sweat like a broken fire hydrant.  And, it is going to be Christmas!!!!  It is my favorite time of year pretty much. Also, I am pretty happy to be going home to my crazy family, my mother should be busy buying me presents (she is too kind), Lexy is probably singing her heart out with Andrea Bocelli (my sister is a super star!!!), and Lauren is probably kicking sheep (I love you Lauren you kick those sheep).  I am also excited for the next semester at Westmont.  I will beginning my new major in Art (with the intention of focusing on graphic design), and I got all of the classes that I wanted at all the times that I wanted.  It is going to be great.  Until then I shall be here, chilling in Uganda, eating matoke and making African burritos.  Hopefully you all have enjoyed my writings and even if you never go to Africa…at least I did.


           (My Mukono home-stay family)


  1. Have fun eating at Olive Garden! It's crazy it's almost time to leave. I'll miss you and your random comments. Hope your Christmas is great :)

    love you dean.
    -your sheep kickin sister

  3. Dean I have to admit that I have been look at both holly and your blog with out commenting. I feel so ashamed. I can't believe that you are coming home tomorrow. I come home the 17 and can't wait to see you guys!!!!
